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Date: Thursday October 19th  |  Time: 08:30 – 16:30  |  Location: STEAMhouse

ScaleUp Summit

Startup & Investment Zones

Starting a business can be hard, scary and often lonely. The Startup & Investment Zones will help budding entrepreneurs and growing startups navigate the tech ecosystem with loads of support organisations willing and able to help. You’ll also get to hear from later stage businesses and learn from their challenges as well as have time to mingle and build that all important network.

Join the West Midlands Innovation Accelerator projects in the expo arena, where you’ll be able to find out more on support available through this £33 million government funded initiative. Whether you’re working in healthtech, cleantech or any tech between you’ll find advice, networks, grants and a whole range of support available to West Midlands businesses. In addition, you will meet representatives from Business Growth West Midlands, the regions gateway to business support and Innovate UK Edge, sharing their knowledge on the broad spectrum of Innovate UK funding services available to support your scaleup journey.

Start / Scale / Succeed


Professor Helen Maddock
Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer

Pam Waddell OBE

Guy McEvoy
Founder & CEO

Danielle McGrellis
Midlands Digital Services Lead

Gavin Williams

Richard Fallon

Tara Attfield-Tomes
Founder & CEO

Naomi Nash
Head of Community & Collaboration


Harpal Mattu
Managing Director

Daniel Richardson
Senior Director of Engineering

Professor Aleks Subic
Vice Chancellor

Edward Eden
VP, Strategic Finance

Tracy Sherratt
UK Network Senior Manager (West Midlands)

Rupert Lyle
Fund Principal (West Midlands Co-Invest Fund)

Kyle Long

Satyen Fakey

Cliff Dennett
Head of Commercial

Ian Vicker

Malcolm Harold
Senior Manager and Digital Manufacturing Specialist

Dr. Mohammad Nazir OBE
Managing Director

Andy Campbell
Director – Solutions and Marketing

Louise Champan
Investment Director


(Zone 1: Startup Support)

08:30-09:00 - Arrival & Networking

An opportunity to network and speak with other tech founders and entrepreneurs from across the West Midlands.

09:00-09:30 - Welcome

Welcome from STEAMhouse & TechWM

09:30-09:55 - KEYNOTE: Innovation support for starting and scaling businesses:

A keynote from Innovate UK EDGE ScaleUp Program and Innovation Alliance West Midlands

11:45-12:30 - PANEL: ScaleUp Spotlight - What does it really mean to be a StartUp

A panel featuring local ScaleUp Founders and experts

12:30-13:30 - LUNCH

An opportunity to grab some lunch and network with your peers

13:30-14:30 - PANEL DISCUSSION: Career in Tech

Interviews with 4 tech employees on their career journey into tech.

14:30-15:15 - KEYNOTE: Lessons from a ScaleUp

Keynote session by Satyen Fakey, co-founder Doji

15:15-16:00 - PANEL: How to use your network to gain visibility and customers

Discover the power of your network and how you can utilise it to create brand awareness and attract new customers

16:00-16:30 - Networking

Network with tech founders and investors

16:30 - Event Ends

Network with tech founders and investors


(Zone 2: Investment & Funding)

11:00-11:45 - KEYNOTE: What VCs won't tell you

Take a look behind the scenes of VC investment from Praetura Ventures’ Investment Director

11:45-12:30 - PANEL: Scaling up: Investment Trends and Opportunities in the Tech Industry

Learn about the different types of investment available to startups

12:30-13:30 - LUNCH

An opportunity to grab some lunch and network with your peers

13:30-14:30 - PANEL DISCUSSION: How to get the right funding to scale your business

Join British Business Bank in exploring the funding landscape of the West Midlands

14:30-15:15 - KEYNOTE: IT Platforms ScaleUps should be investing in.

Keynote from Andy Campbell, Director – Solutions and Marketing, Certinia on how to maximise your business productivity

16:00-16:30 - Networking

Network with tech founders and investors

16:30 - Event Ends

Network with tech founders and investors